How do I choose between Blank & Background forms?

This article explains when to use a blank form and when to use a background form.

The HR Cloud Form Builder is an extremely powerful and versatile tool that allows you to create virtually any type of form desired. Using the Form Builder tool, you have the ability to create both Blank and Background forms. Although at the end of the day the goal of both is to provide a digital form for employees to fill out, they do have their individual differences, strengths, and uses.


Blank forms are a versatile option that gives you the ability to basically build any form from scratch. You can add and arrange a plethora of different fields to customize the form as per the requirements.

It is usually recommended to use Blank forms whenever possible, as they are more versatile than Background forms and are able to scale depending on the device they are being filled out on, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.




As the name implies, Background forms require a background image to be uploaded (PDF or PNG) with the fields being added on top of that image. These forms can range from legal forms, such as the I9, or proprietary forms that are unique to your company. If you are already using a paper version of a form, you can upload the form and build a digital version of it using the Form Builder. 

Background forms are not usually recommended unless it is a form you are currently using in a specific format and need to continue using that form in the future.


Please note that the background forms are not responsive to devise form factors. Hence they may appear differently on different devices.