How to adjust Privacy under Settings?

This article will cover how to customize the visibility of specific details in the system.

By accessing Settings - Privacy,  you can adjust the following:

1.  Task Document Privacy - Configure the default privacy of all future task documents. Choose from Everyone, Everyone except related employee and Custom. 

Selecting the Custom option allows the user to choose between different security roles.

2. Task Privacy - Toggling this will allow you to hide approval tasks related to a certain user.

3.  Approval privacy - If the approval assignee is also Related to Employee, configure their level of access along the custom and/or global objects. 

4.  Calendar Privacy - Specifically related to the Time Off Type and Description visibility under the Calendar.

5.  Anniversaries and Birthdays visibility for Employees - Manipulate the visibility of anniversaries and birthdays throughout Calendar and the About page by un/toggling the choices.