How to assign a Channel role to a Channel member?

This article will describe the process of assigning a channel role to a specific member.

A channel member can have one of the following channel roles:

  1. Channel admin/owner: This is the creator of a channel and has all admin permissions.
  2. Channel admin: This channel role has access to all Channel items, can delete posts, add and remove members, approve membership requests, and configure member roles.
  3. Channel moderator: This channel role can delete posts and approve membership requests but doesn’t have access to Channel Settings.
  4. Member: This channel role can see all items within the Feed and all members but can only update their own posts.

To configure a member's channel role, please take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Members tab of your channel.
  2. Find the member to whom you want to assign a specific channel role.
  3. At the end of the row, click on the three dots under the Actions column.
  4. Depending on the current role, select one of these options:
    1. Make Admin,
    2. Make Moderator/Change to Moderator
    3. Remove as Admin
    4. Remove as Moderator.

Another way to configure a member's channel role would be:

  1. Navigate to the Members tab of your channel.
  2. Find and select the member that you want to assign a specific channel role to add.
  3. Click the Actions button on the top of the data grid.
  4. The flyout will appear. Click Bulk Configure Role.
  5. Select Between Available options (Channel Admin, Channel Moderator, Member) and click Save.