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How to edit, archive, or delete Goals and Subgoals?

The existing Goals and Subgoals can be modified, archived, or deleted in accordance with the changing requirements of the company's Goal progress. This article is designed to provide a comprehensive guide on performing these actions.

To edit Goals/Subgoals: 

  1. Locate the Goal/Subgoal on the Goals Dashboard. 
  2. Click on the three dots that appear when hovering over the said Goal/Subgoal and click on them.  Alternatively, you can click on the name of the Goal/Subgoal and then locate the Edit Goal/Subgoal.
  3. You will be able to edit the Name, Description, Start and Due date, Attachments, Progress Update Method (if editing a Group Goal), and (if editing one of the Subgoals) Weightage.  Goal Type and Assignees are not editable. 
    Tip: Weightage can also be edited by clicking on the Parent Group Goal from the dashboard and clicking on the Manage Weight button above the  Subgoal list. 
  4. Click Save


To archive and unarchive Goals/Subgoals: 

If you need to clear your Dashboard form outdated or unnecessary Goals/Subgoals, but still be able to activate them if needed, you can follow the steps below to archive them: 

  1. Locate the Goal/Subgoal on the Goals Dashboard. 
  2. Click on the three dots that appear when hovering over the said Goal/Subgoal and click on them.  Alternatively, you can click on the name of the Goal/Subgoal and then locate the Archive Goal/Subgoal.
  3. Click on Archive
  4. The Goal/Subgoal will be moved to the Archived Goals card. 

To unarchive them, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Archived Goals tab.
  2. Click on the three dots that appear when hovering over the said Goal/Subgoal and click on them.  Alternatively, you can click on the name of the Goal/Subgoal and then locate the Unarchive Goal/Subgoal.
  3. Click Unarchive. 


To delete Goals/Subgoals: 

To permanently remove Goals or Subgoals, you will have to: 

  1. Locate the Goal/Subgoal on the Goals Dashboard.
  2. Click on the three dots that appear when hovering over the said Goal/Subgoal and click on them.  Alternatively, you can click on the name of the Goal/Subgoal and then locate the Delete Goal/Subgoal.
  3. Confirm deletion.