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  2. People
  3. Employee - admin/manager possibilities

How to Edit privacy settings for a specific Document?

This article explains how to configure privacy settings for a specific document.

To edit your privacy settings for a Document,

  1. Go to the Employee profile.
  2. Click on the Documents link from the left panel. It will list all the existing documents.
  3. Find the document you wish to set privacy for and on the right side click Edit (Pencil).
  4. The Privacy field suggests who can access the document. It can take one of the following values:
    1. Only You
    2. Everyone ( Only employees that can see the related employee will see this document )
    3. Custom (Multiple choice of options, including a drop-down of all security roles and the Employee that the document is related to)
    4. Everyone except related employee
  5. Click Save to update the privacy level. You can see the new value under the Privacy column.

    *Please note that ''Everyone'' only refers to users who have access to that specific employee's profile.

    (employee's manager, any user with a higher security role that has the provided access based on the employee's location, department, and/or division)