How to edit task email templates?

This article explains how to edit the emails an employee receives once the tasks have been assigned.

Email templates related to tasks that can be customized are:

  • Upcoming/Overdue Task Alerts
  • Notify Task Assignee
  • Approval Email

To edit these templates, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Settings page from the left panel of the application.
  2. Under the Templates section click System Email Templates.
  3. Located under the Task Email Templates section, choose which template to edit.
  4. On the right side of the panel click the "Configurebutton.
  5. Enable Custom notifications, edit the email as required, and click "Save".


Please note that these templates have a global setup meaning you can adjust specific email notifications for a specific task i.e.


Additionally, you can adjust Onboard Email Templates which refer to:

1.  Activation Email Reminder - refers only to a reminder sent directly through the Onboard grid

2.  Onboard Task Email Reminder - refers only to task reminders triggered through the Onboard grid