How to set up Email Forwarding in the Recruit app?

This article outlines how to set up email forwarding in the Recruit app.

Default settings ensure that any communication with a job applicant triggers email notifications to the hiring manager and relevant collaborators associated with the position.

If you wish to include an additional recipients to receive Recruit-related email notifications, please follow these steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings in the left panel of the application.
  2. In the Recruit section, click on Recruit Email Forwarding.
  3. Click the "Add Recipient" button located at the top right corner.
  4. You can choose to add either an internal company employee's email address or an external email address.
    • For internal emails, utilize the search function to find the recipient’s email address. The display name will automatically be populated from the employee's profile.
    • For external emails, simply enter the email address along with a display name, then click Save.

*To remove a recipient, click the delete icon next to their display name.