How to set up task review?

This article explains how to create a task for which a formal review is mandatory.

When a review is mandatory for a task, it is marked as complete only after the review has been completed.

To enable a formal review of the task,

1. Create a task for which the review is to be enabled.

2. Go to the Task Review section and enable it.

3. Add a Reviewer and a due date for the review. You can add multiple reviewers for a task. Click Save.

When the task assignee marks this task as complete, a new review task named 'Review:<task name>' is created and the state of this task is set to 'In Review'.

Once the review task is completed and the reviewer approves, this task is automatically completed. In case, the reviewer denies the task, this task goes back to the 'Incomplete' state.

You can adjust email templates related to review tasks by referring to this article.