How to transfer points to your coworker?

This article explains how to transfer your reward points to someone else.

If the option ''Transfer points'' is turned on under Kudos - Settings - Rewards, employees will be able to transfer their earned points to a coworker.


To turn on the option, please follow below steps:

  1. Go to Kudos - Redeem points.
  2. Scroll down for the section ''Transfer points''.
  3. Choose the coworker you want to transfer points to, choose the exact amount, and leave a message if necessary.

To transfer points to a coworker, please follow the below steps:

1.  Access your wallet by going to the Kudos app and clicking on Redeem points on the Wallet icon.

2. Scroll down to the option "Transfer points - Gift Points to Coworker"

3. Enter the necessary details and click on Send.

4. This process doesn't require the admin's approval and points are immediately transferred to a selected coworker.