What are email alerts?

This article explains what email alerts are used for.

Email alerts are set up as automated email notifications triggered on specific dates or triggered by specific actions in the system


  • Event Trigger

Specific events in the system can trigger an email alert to various recipients.

Those events can be related to task/kudos approval or to new applications through the Recruit app.

In agreement with your Account Manager, you can select any date in the system ( located on the employee's profile or in a form) to serve as a trigger for a specific email alert.

Additionally, you can adjust Assignment Rules for specific events.

  • Schedule

You can choose how many days/weeks/months/years before or after a specific date the alert will be triggered.

An additional option is to adjust the recurring frequency. (Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)

  • Recipients

You can select multiple recipients and they don't have to be HRC users, since you have the option to enter a specific email address. You can also choose recipients from various User roles divided into HR Roles, System Roles, and Other Roles. 

  • Email

For existing events such as Birthday and Anniversary, you already have predefined email templates that can easily be edited.

For custom email alerts, feel free to use tokens to personalize your content since those tokens will be replaced with the actual value when set. Drag and drop the tokens of choice to the Message box to utilize them. 


2. DEFAULT EMAIL ALERTS - all refer to Tasks

Under custom email alerts, you can locate templates for Review Task Approved/Denied and Task Completed/ Commented emails.

These email alerts can be turned on or off using the Edit Pencil under the Actions column.

The only customizable action admins can take is the email template but keep in mind that this is applicable to all employees and you cannot specify assignment rules for default email alerts.