How to cancel/delete a task?

This article explains how to cancel an existing task.

There are two ways to cancel tasks:

1. Bulk cancellation where tasks assigned to different employees are canceled at once.

2. Cancellation of a specific task assigned to a specific employee.

For bulk cancellation,

1. Go to the Tasks page from the left panel of the application.

2. Select one or more tasks to be canceled.

3. Click the Actions button on the top of the grid and select the Bulk Cancel Task option.

4. Click Update to cancel the selected tasks.

Please note that bulk cancellation can be done on a maximum of 100 records at a time.


To cancel specific tasks assigned to a specific employee,

1. Go to the employee's profile.

2. View the Tasks section.

3.  Change your view from Standard to Incomplete or Past Due or just find the specific tasks you want to cancel.

4. Click the toggle(s) to mark all necessary tasks.

5.  Click on Actions - Bulk Cancel Tasks.

Please note that only incomplete tasks can be canceled

The same steps are used for deleting tasks but you just don't choose the option "Bulk Cancel Task" but the "Bulk Delete Task". Another approach to deleting them is to click on the trash icon located on the complete right of the task.