This article explains all the APIs related to the Task object.
Task is any job assigned to a person. The following APIs are used to perform different operations on Tasks.
Get all the tasks
GET /xTask
Retrieves all the tasks. For example,
"Id": "8320fb07077a2935",
"xApplicationLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xApplication",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "8320fb07077a2935",
"xCode": "coreHr",
"xImageUrl": null,
"xName": People,
"xApprovalStatus": "Approved",
"xAssigneeName": "Department Employee Group"
"xComment": "Postman test API Task 4b"
"xCompletedBy": null
"xCreatedBy": {
"__ObjectName": "xUser",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "6bbc95c8e04195751b93a27da1121454",
"xFullName": "New API Testing",
"xCreatedOn": "2019-08-19T09:56:16.5834862Z",
"xDueDate": "2019-08-21T00:00:00Z",
"xEmployeeGroupLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xEmployeeGroup",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "517308d6e0d39f58",
"xCreatedOn": "2019-06-26T04:39:23.997Z",
"xDescription": null,
"xIsActive": true,
"xName": "Department Employee Group",
"xIsAssignedToMe": false,
"xRecordStatus": "Active",
"xRelatedEntityDetailsLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xRelatedEntityDetails",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "cb54493edf2bec2994ddbc5fe41a11b6",
"xName": "T1 T1 T1",
"xStatus": "Incomplete",
"xStatusText": "Incomplete",
"xSubject": "Postman API Task 4b",
"xType": "Plain",
"xUpdatedBy": {
"__ObjectName": "xUser",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "6bbc95c8e04195751b93a27da1121454",
"xFullName": "New API Testing",
"xUpdatedOn": "2019-08-19T09:56:19.1818448",
Get a particular task by Id
GET /xTask/:taskId
Retrieve a particular task using its Id.
"Id": "0d8b50b027d819d58dbb9cefb5e75ca2",
"xApplicationLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xApplication",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "8320fb07077a2935",
"xCode": "coreHr",
"xImageUrl": null,
"xName": "People"
"xApprovalStatus": "Approved",
"xAssigneeName": "Department Employee Group",
"xComment": "Postman test API Task 4b",
"xCompletedBy": null,
"xCreatedBy": {
"__ObjectName": "xUser",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "6bbc95c8e04195751b93a27da1121454",
"xFullName": "New API Testing"
"xCreatedOn": "2019-08-19T09:56:16.5834862Z",
"xDueDate": "2019-08-21T00:00:00Z",
"xEmployeeGroupLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xEmployeeGroup",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "517308d6e0d39f58",
"xCreatedOn": "2019-06-26T04:39:23.997Z",
"xDescription": null,
"xIsActive": true,
"xName": "Department Employee Group"
"xIsAssignedToMe": false,
"xRecordStatus": "Active",
"xRelatedEntityDetailsLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xRelatedEntityDetails",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "cb54493edf2bec2994ddbc5fe41a11b6",
"xName": "T1 T1 T1"
"xStatus": "Incomplete",
"xStatusText": "Incomplete",
"xSubject": "Postman API Task 4b",
"xType": "Plain",
"xUpdatedBy": {
"__ObjectName": "xUser",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "6bbc95c8e04195751b93a27da1121454",
"xFullName": "New API Testing"
"xUpdatedOn": "2019-08-19T09:56:19.1818448Z"
Create a new task
POST /xTask/Portal
Creates a plain task with the following input parameters.
Field | Type | Description | Is Mandatory |
applicationCode | String | Alpha-numeric code for application for which the task is being created. It can take one of the following values- coreHr, onboard, benefits, offboard. | Yes |
title | String | Title of the task | Yes |
description | String | Description of the task, if any | No |
relatedToEmployeeIds | Array of string | Array Id of related employee Id | Yes |
assigneeType | String | Type of assignee. Valid values in (Employee, Manager, ManagersManager, HrAdmin, HrUser, HrOperation, ItUser, ItOperation, SpecificEmployee, SpecificGroup, Hierarchy) | Yes |
assignedEmployeeGroupId | String | Id of employee group. Could be retrieve via GET https:/ | Yes |
assignedEmployeeId | String | Id of assigned employee | Yes |
taskType | String | Type of task. Must be 'task' only. | Yes |
isOptionalToComplete | Boolean | If the task is optional or mandatory. | No |
isRequiredSignature | Boolean | Requires signature to complete the task. | |
fixedDueDate | DateTime | the due date of the task | Yes, when applicationCode is coreHR or benefits |
relativeDueDate | TimeOffset { timeUnit(Day, Week, Month, Year), direction(Before, After), offset } | Relative DueDate for StartDate or SeparationDate to complete task | Yes,When applicationCode is onboard or offboard |
hierarchyLevel | int | Level of upper hierarchy level. From 1 to 9 | Yes,When assigneeType is Hierarchy |
An Id field is assigned to each record on creation.
For example,
POST https:/
Input Parameters:
"applicationCode": "coreHr",
"taskTitle": "New Task API",
"taskDescription": "New Task API Description"
"relatedToEmployeeIds": ["8405669111f97c14571b1b33455aa7ba", "8405669111f97c1466376ea5d4af10aa"]
"assigneeType": "SpecificGroup"
"assignedEmployeeGroupId": "517308d6e0d39f58"
"taskType": "Task"
"fixedDueDate": "2019-08-21T00:00:00"
"relativeDueDate": {"timeUnit": "Day",
"direction": "After",
"offset": 10}
"Id": "ed6da578aa0def13a26126651155964a",
"xApplicationLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xApplication",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "8320fb07077a2935",
"xCode": "coreHr",
"xImageUrl": null,
"xName": "People"
"xApprovalStatus": "Approved",
"xAssigneeName": "Admin1",
"xComment": "New Task API Description",
"xCompanyName": "HR Cloud HC",
"xCompletedBy": null,
"xCreatedBy": {
"__ObjectName": "xUser",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "1a070ae0729cf3d6d791f9ab13a02e94",
"xFullName": "Shruti Kukkar"
"xCreatedOn": "2020-02-04T17:24:09.6235875Z",
"xDueDate": "2019-08-21T00:00:00Z",
"xEmployeeDepartmentName": "Human Resource - New York",
"xEmployeeDivisionName": null,
"xEmployeeEmail": "",
"xEmployeeGroupLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xEmployeeGroup",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "2d980f113f6c30c6",
"xCreatedOn": "2018-07-04T18:10:41.297Z",
"xDescription": "This group consists of all the employees who are administrators.",
"xIsActive": true,
"xName": "Admin1"
"xEmployeeLocationName": "Sample Location Name",
"xEmployeePositionName": "Sample Position Name",
"xEmploymentStatus": "Active",
"xEmploymentType": null,
"xIsAssignedToMe": true,
"xIsOptionalToComplete": false,
"xLastReminderSent": null,
"xRelatedEntityDetailsLookup": {
"__ObjectName": "xRelatedEntityDetails",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "c6fd3fdd41d1e59cf32f9e8f8869fdbd",
"xName": "Shruti Kukkar"
"xShouldAcknowledgeBySignature": false,
"xStatus": "Incomplete",
"xStatusText": "Incomplete",
"xSubject": "New Task API",
"xType": "Plain",
"xUpdatedBy": {
"__ObjectName": "xUser",
"__Self": "",
"Id": "1a070ae0729cf3d6d791f9ab13a02e94",
"xFullName": "Shruti Kukkar"
"xUpdatedOn": "2020-02-04T17:24:10.2486596Z"