ADP Direct Deposit Form

This article explains how to fill out the ADP Direct Deposit Form

''Add New Hire to ADP'' and ''Complete Direct Deposit Form'' are tasks that are already existing in the task library. 

  • Under the System Settings, please make sure to adjust General Settings for the ADP Integration. Choose if you want to enable the export of the information from the completed direct deposit form and when. The export can be scheduled on the employee's start date.


  • The employee has to fill out his Direct Deposit Form by himself.

  • If the employee wants to edit his form later on or add a second account, he can easily access the form from his profile.

  • Please follow these steps if you want to REMOVE the second account. All of the fields on the Account 2 section have to remain blank.

  • The employee can easily check directly from his profile if the change was exported to ADP by clicking INTEGRATION tab in My Profile section.

For more information about ADP Workforce Now integration, please read this article.