How to update an Application Form?

This article explains how to update an application form for a specific job posting.

To update an application form for a job posting follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Jobs tab in the Recruit app.

2. Click on the job title you would like to edit.

3. Then click on the Application Form on the upper tab > Edit Form

4. Use the Toggle button to make a specific field required, or an On/Off button to make the field disappear from the Applicant Form. 

5.  Click +Add New or Select from library in the lower left if you want a specific question or upload request to be displayed on the form. Once added, it will appear below the fields section.

6. Additionally, under the Buttons Configuration you can customize the Submit button label to your preference.

4. After submitting the changes, click Save

5. Keep in mind that these changes will apply only to that specific job posting

* Please note that you can reach out to your Account Manager to add hardcoded fields to the Application form that will always be in use for all job postings

Here is a short video guideline on how to successfully update an application form.