What is the Question Library?
This article will explain the purpose of the Question Library and how to edit it.
The question library enables employers to compile a collection of questions that can be effortlessly incorporated into various application forms for enhanced customization.
When creating or editing a job listing's application form, the user can click on the 'Select from Library' button and easily add a question to the Application form for that listing.
Adding a new question to the library
To add a new question to the library, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Recruit app and select the Question Library tab.
- Click on the '+' icon in the top left corner of the list.
- Specify the question's title, define the type of response (such as single text, single selection, etc.), and indicate whether the question the applicant is required to answer the question.
- Click Save.
Editing an existing question
- Navigate to the Recruit app and select the Question Library tab.
- Click on the Question Name of the question you wish to edit.
- Edit the question's title, response type, or mandatory setting.
- Click Save.